
LTE910CF CAT 1 Embedded 4G
v6.00 and v7.00 Cellular Socket ModemLTE910CF-C1

The AT&T LTE910CF v7.00 Common Footprint (CF) Socket Modem is an LTE Category 1 PTCRB and Carrier certified 4G cellular modem. They utilize the Telit LE910-NA1 module as their cellular engine. The LTE910CF v7.00 units operate in LTE bands (B13), (B12), (B5), (B4) and (B2), with fallback to HSPA+ networks as needed. End device certification allows users to implement the LTE910CF in their devices with no further North American carrier certification requirements.

The Verizon LTE910CF v6.00 Common Footprint (CF) Socket Modem is an LTE Category 1 Carrier end device certified 4G cellular modem. They utilize the Telit LE910-SV1 module as their cellular engine. The LTE910CF v6.00 units operate in LTE bands (B13), (B4), and (B2). End device certification allows users to implement the LTE910CF in their devices with no further North American carrier certification requirements.  End device certification allows users to implement the LTE910CF in their devices with no further North American carrier certification requirements.
Verizon Mandatory FOTA Requirements App Note

LTE910CF modems are pin compatible with the full line of Janus CF Plug-In Products.